ARCH 653: Project 1
For Project 1, I chose to modify the Utrecht University Library located in Utrecht, The Netherlands. Originally founded in 1636, the new library building was completed in 2004. The new 40,000 square meter building appears as an "unassuming box" when viewed from a distance. Source: Utrecht University Library . Projects - Wiel Arets Architects. (n.d.). To begin modeling, I created a simple parametric mass. By adjusting its length (X), Width (Y), and Height (Z), it was used as a template to create the building form. These values were set as instance parameters, so multiple instances can be used in the model without causing conflicts. I chose to modify the building’s façade by creating a system of wooden louvers. Like the previous mass, I created a single louver that can be resized parametrically. Like the building mass, the louver’s Depth, Height, and Thickness can b...